Quantum Computing And Effective Earth Observation Satellites (EOS) Mission

#Quantum30 Cohort 03: Day 23

Bushra Haque
1 min readOct 23, 2023

Date: 23rd October, 2023.

Earth Observation Satellite (EOS) when upgraded with Quantum Computing will be much more powerful than what it is now!

The D-Wave quantum computer has been used to optimize Earth Observation Satellite (EOS) missions. Artificial Brain, a Quantum Computing software company, developed a groundbreaking algorithm that utilizes the power of quantum computing to optimize mission planning.

Traditional computing methods struggle with the complexity of optimizing mission schedules, resulting in suboptimal target selection and reduced data collection efficiency.

The quantum algorithm developed by Artificial Brain, aims to maximize the acquisition of high-priority targets while considering constraints such as limited storage and energy.

During a live demonstration, the algorithm showcased its capabilities by providing an optimal solution in seconds on a D-Wave quantum computer. Benchmarking against classical algorithms revealed that the quantum algorithm consistently outperformed them in terms of business value and constraint satisfaction.

This highlights the transformative potential of quantum technology in the space industry, enabling efficiency and accuracy in mission planning.

Thanks for reading!

#Quantum30 #QuantumInEOS #QuantumSpace #DWave #QuantumOptimaization #QuantumComputer

I would like to thank QuantumComputingIndia, for providing this precious opportunity to dive deeper into the quantum applications.



Bushra Haque
Bushra Haque

Written by Bushra Haque

Physics Graduate | Quantum Computing | Linguistics | Psychology | Research Enthusiast | Contact Info: haquebushra16@gmail.com

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